Eddie and Gypsy Poulston

Eddie and Gypsy were artists working as individuals on
their own art work as well as working as a team on
commissioned work and competitions.

The local Aigantighe Gallery in Timaru has several pieces
of their work as part of their permanent collection.



They had considerable success in competitions they entered
and won numerous awards for their work.

1970    Eddie Poulston                            National Bank Award                    Special Merit for Mural

1972    Eddie and Gypsy Poulston            National Bank Award               Special Merit for Mural

1973    Eddie Poulston                            National Bank Award               Special Award for Mural

1973    Eddie and Gypsy Poulston            National Bank Award                Special Award for Mural

1988    Gypsy Poulston                           Sth Canterbury Arts Society     Painting “Cathedral

1989    Gypsy Poulston                           Sth Canterbury Arts Society      Painting “Inner Search”

Eddie Poulston                                       Sth Canterbury Arts Society      Sculpture “Young Adults”

1996    Eddie Poulston                            Sth Canterbury Arts Society      Sculpture “Gothic Revival”

1997    Gypsy Poulston                            Sth Canterbury Arts Society      Painting  “Seed Heads”

1999    Gypsy Poulston                             Sth Canterbury Arts Society      Painting  “Autumn Rain”

2002   Gypsy Poulston                              Waimate Arts Society                 Painting “Garden Symphony

© Russell Poulston 2013